Seals are a group of aquatic mammals that live in various parts of the world, both in saltwater and freshwater habitats. Some of the most common places where seals can be found include:
Arctic and sub-Arctic regions: Many seal species such as ringed seals, bearded seals, and harp seals live in the Arctic and sub-Arctic regions, where they inhabit ice floes and pack ice.
Antarctic region: Weddell seals and leopard seals are among the species that inhabit the waters surrounding Antarctica.
Coastal areas: Seals can also be found along the coastlines of various continents, including North America, South America, Europe, and Asia. Harbor seals and gray seals are among the species that can be found in coastal areas.
Freshwater habitats: Some species of seals, such as the Baikal seal, live exclusively in freshwater habitats like lakes and rivers.
Overall, seals are found in various regions throughout the world, but they tend to prefer cold, temperate, or polar regions with abundant food sources such as fish and squid.